Simple Calendar Events
GithubWebsiteThis was a take-home assignment for a job I had applied for.
Easily access your Google Calendar events for today, classified by calendar names.
Deployed here:
Problem Statement was:
- As a user, I want to have my Google Calendar events for today listed on a Web interface, classified by calendar names
- When a user connects the Google account, all the calendars and events are imported to the App.
- The subsequent events which get created/updated/deleted are sync'd to the app automatically
- Using the Google Calendar APIs directly rather than using the gem like
would be preferred.
Implementation Details
- Ruby on Rails app with PostreSQL as database
- Implements a basic authentication system using Google OAuth. (without passwords)
- Uses OAuth2 flow for authorization to user's resources (calendars/events)
- Implements a service to talk with Google Calendars API which handles:
- fetching calendars for a user
- fetching events for a calendar of user
- registering webhooks for listening to changes to events/calendars
- Does not use background processing jobs for any tasks yet
- potential to use for some use-cases
- Uses Rspec for testing
- Test coverage still low
Possible improvements/pending tasks
- Since the whole code was written under a short deadline; the codebase still needed a few changes when it was submitted.
- Please take a look at Issues section of the Github repository.